MRSA In Our Hospitals, Communities And Homes

By Dr. Richard E. Busch III

MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus ) is often called the "Super-Bug". MRSA is not a virus, it can be many strains of S. aureus bacteria and it is antibiotic resistant. A major concern about MRSA is the limited options for treatment, and now some sources of MRSA are outside of the hospital walls. Many studies are projecting over six million cases in 2010 - with a death rate of over 30% percent. MRSA could be considered a global plague. Most of us have heard about MRSA, and you may know someone who has been infected, and you may even know of someone who has died. There have been studies that have shown that 80% of tested common surfaces in hospitals, such as doors, walls, and elevator buttons, had evidence of MRSA. Some studies show a contamination rate as high as 64% of hospitals. MRSA is most likely to be contracted from hospitals (hospital-acquired infection). There is a continued effort to develop more antibiotics, but it is difficult because of its evolving resistance to more and more drugs.

MRSA was detected around 1945 (correlating with the development of penicillin), and it has become a significant problem in hospitals and nursing homes over the last 40 years. Obviously, many of the patients in these facilities are sick and their immune systems weakened and vulnerable. Those would include anyone who is in a hospital for surgery. MRSA in the early stages was treated by penicillin; however it soon tested resistant to penicillin, as well as many other antibiotics. MRSA cases identified in a healthcare setting are referred to as healthcare-associated MRSA (HA-MRSA).

A relatively new source of transmission of MRSA is the use computer keyboards since the implementation of computer technology in healthcare facilities. Proper hand-washing procedures and hygiene is critical since MRSA is predominately spread by hand-to-hand contact.

CA-MRSA (community-associated MRSA), have been identified since late 1990's. It appeared to have no relationship to the healthcare-associated MRSA strain, as there were no risk factors involved such as healthcare settings and the weak and immune compromised. CA-MRSA is concentrated in people that are in groups or group areas such locker rooms, contact sports, gyms, prisoners and military recruits. Although anyone can carry MRSA, (the majority of research shows that MRSA occurs mostly in our noses) and it can enter the body through injuries, incisions and open sores, then there it can develop into a fatal infection. Many people that have MRSA do not have symptoms, and to avoid contamination always properly wash your hands, bandage your cuts and scrapes, and never use others' personal things such as razors and towels. MRSA can be also picked up from contaminated keyboards, walls, floors, door knobs, as well as direct physical contact.

Many times a bump on the skin will be dismissed as a spider bite. If it doesn't get better in 3-4 days and you have a fever and flu-like symptoms, this could be MRSA. Symptoms of MRSA can be fever, swelling, heat and pain around a wound or injury, headache, and fatigue. More severe conditions are infections in the bloodstream, joints, bones, surgical incisions, heart and lungs

MRSA can even infect our companion animals, and there is now a risk for our pets when they have surgery at the veterinary clinic. It is not determined if human contamination from pets is a risk for people. There are new strains of MRSA that seem to be crossing the human and animal barrier. Reporting of infections in horses began to increase, and studies are showing that the infection can be passed from horses to humans and vice versa. Five years ago in the Netherlands, and then more recently in Canada, there was a strain of MRSA (ST398) found in pigs. Since then, this strain has been found in the US, in both farmers and pigs. It isn't certain that this strain will cause human problems, and it isn't certain if it will affect our food supply. Should the ST398 be found to infect humans and/or contaminate our food supply, this brings into play and whole new set of problems and "what-ifs".

If you are contemplating surgery, most especially elective surgery, for conditions such as lumbar and cervical disc problems, you should research all your options and investigate nonsurgical treatment options, because one major surgery risk is the MRSA contamination of hospitals. Many hospitals do not screen for MRSA, although screening could be done. However, if a patient tested positive for MRSA, even without symptoms, they would be isolated and this could lead to longer hospital stays. From there we could have overloaded, understaffed facilities with less careful hand washing, and more exposure to infectious people. - 32188

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Hip Joint Pain: Treating Your Condition

By Claudia Cal

If you have hip joint pain, you may need to see a doctor. There are several things that could be causing your pain but it's always best to consider seeking medical attention, especially if your pain is moderate to severe in nature. You could have a serious complication to your health if you do not have your pain attended to. However, if you feel that this is something that doesn't require immediate medical help, you can always try taking an over the counter pain medication to see if you can find some relief.

As we all know, the older we get, the more things that seem to go wrong with our bodies. Our hips, in particular, take a lot of abuse from the rest of our body and the activities that we engage in. It's actually quite simple to end up with hip joint pain as a result of an injury to another part of your body. If you have recently had a fall or an accident where your back or leg was injured, it can easily present with hip joint pain.

Over the counter pain medications like ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen should help relieve your anguish if you have a simple issue such as arthritis. Most arthritis can be soothed by using one of these pain relievers or anti-inflammatory medications. If you're not getting relief and the pain has been ongoing, you need to schedule an appointment with your medical professional.

If your symptoms worsen or do not go away shortly, you need to seek medical attention. Any pains that are severe should also be attended to promptly.

Hip joint pain can be caused by arthritis, many times. It is very common in older people and people who are involved in athletic activities or have recently done heavy lifting. Try taking ibuprofen, naproxen or acetaminophen to help the pain. Most of the time, hip joint pain is caused by either the swelling of the joint, as with arthritis, or by the swelling of the tendons around the joint. This is called tendonitis.

In cases where pain is moderate to severe, these medications may not work and your physician may discuss hip replacement surgery with you. You may also be suffering from tendonitis, which is another common issue that many people face. This is caused by an inflammation of the tendon that is covering the joint.

Always discuss any ongoing aches and pains with your physician. Hip joint pain may be caused by a serious issue. Don't delay getting to your doctor if you've had an accident, are in pain that cannot be relieved with medication or you are experiencing extreme discomfort. This may signal a more serious cause that needs immediate medical attention. - 32188

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Chiropractic: The Right Treatment For Neck Pain

By Philip Vincent

When considering going to a chiropractor about your neck pain, it is first important to keep a few things in mind. The chiropractic practice began with the intent of only working with spine and back related problems, and while many instances of neck pain may be related to back misalignment, many others are not.

While low in its risk, a chiropractic neck manipulation may carry some additional risks if done improperly. A chiropractor should perform a thorough physical examination that can range from pinching or severing of the major blood vessels in the area or even stroke.

Most, it not all, chiropractors understand the risks involved in spinal manipulation and only perform this procedure when it's the right treatment for the patient. A case history as well as a physical and neurological examination is done first. I would be unwise for a doctor of chiropractic to perform any treatment without doing these things first. In many cases, the dangerous manipulations are being performed by non-chiropractors and this is what puts the unsuspecting "patient" at risk.

Headaches, neck pain, and numbness or tingling in the arms and hands can be linked back to misalignment of cervical vertebrae. The benefits of a specific adjustment to the bones of the neck often means an end to long term chronic conditions. Many people only seek chiropractic care after they've tried every other possible treatment, including medications, injections, and even surgery.

Chiropractic adjustments can be just the thing for neck pain. Many times this neck pain may be caused by tension or posture issues which can be fixed in one or two visits with a skilled practitioner, even if it has been chronic. Because chiropractic can change, or reset the way a person carries their skeletal frame, this may also correct how they deal with the tension they carry around in their muscles and whether that translates itself into back or neck pain or not.

When deciding whether chiropractic is the right answer for your neck pain, the best thing to do is to check in with your general practitioner first if you have any specific concerns about your past history. He or she can help figure out if chiropractic is appropriate to your specific situation or if it would be unsafe. If you do decide to go with the chiropractic option, look for someone who specializes in skeletal, muscular and spinal problems.

This professional will likely do an X-ray on your neck and possibly your whole spine and after an examination may or may not recommend supplementing chiropractic treatment with massage, heat or cold therapy or even ultrasound and other techniques more commonly associated with physical therapy and sports medicine. - 32188

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Tendonitis Treatment Made Simple

By Heather Clay

Easy to understand tendonitis treatment might be a good thing to know for those who have begun to experience little aches and pains in the elbow or shoulder or even knee. As a medical condition, tendonitis pain can range in intensity and can be completely debilitating in extreme episodes. This is why it can be a good thing to know a bit about tendonitis.

In the human body many skeletal bones are joined together with other skeletal bones through connective tissue. Different kinds of connective tissue have different names. For the most part, people know them as ligaments and -- especially -- tendons. Composed of very tough fibrous cords, tendons are seen all throughout the body.

Inflammation of the tendon can cause varying degrees of pain and swelling along with a few other issues in more serious cases. Serious tendonitis generally can lead to extreme levels of pain that tend to cause a person to become disabled if not treated. However, if tendonitis is treated early enough and intelligently enough, there is little reason to fear that it cannot be cured.

Medically speaking, just about any tendon in the body is liable to being impacted by tendonitis, though there generally are only a few areas that normally experience it. Most famously, the elbows seem to be hit by it more often than anywhere else. The term "tennis elbow" refers to tendonitis in that area, which is medically known as epicondylitis. Physicians have known about the condition for over a century.

For the most part, tendonitis usually evidences itself after an overuse injury or actual injury to the tendon. In order to treat tendonitis properly, there are several steps one can take, all without having to make use of a physician under most circumstances. First of all, stop whatever activity it is that has been causing the pain.

Cessation of the activity will generally be necessary for around twenty-one days, which is usually sufficient time to allow the tendon to heal itself. Such rest is probably the single most effective part of any treatment regimen, by the way. Combine rest with immobilization whenever possible. This can be accomplished through bracing or splints or slings, generally.

Additionally, include over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines like naproxen sodium and a skin cream that contains anti-inflammatories in order to aid the body in recovering from the tendonitis. Take a look at the area again after three weeks and start engaging in light warming up and stretching, gradually working back into the activity that caused the pain in the first place. Try not to forget about warming up and stretching in the future. - 32188

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Sick Of Back pain? Here Are Easy Solutions For You

By Anand Maheshwari

Almost all of us suffer from back pain. It feels horrible when the back aches and all the traditional medicinal methods fail to provide us the much needed relief. Here, we feel the need of alternative treatment methods. YugaLife Wellness comes into action here. They have centers where people can go and get themselves treated for a healthy and happy life.

They have come up with many useful treatment methods like thermal massage bed. It is quite effective treatment and provides instant relief to the patient. The Thermal acupressure Massage Bed is quite popular with people due to its great results. They are available in wider and longer sizes. The internal rollers offers massage by the means of acupressure from spine to tailbone offering instant relief. It not only helps treating the back pain but also migraine and varicose veins problem too.

The other effective alternative therapy available is the use of Jade. Since ages it has been known for its healing power. It emits gentle and steady energy which strengthens the heart, thymus, nervous system, immune system and heart. Also, it enhances the blood detoxification process and kidney filtration keeping the human body fit and fine. FIR therapy or Far-Infrared Ray therapy is quite effective. Infrared rays are known to be effective in treating the large number of problems and are popularly known as 'Light of life'. The tissues which need to be repaired absorb it while other let it pass harmlessly. It enhances the circulation of blood, reduces the inflammation and muscle spasms. It reduces the sensitivity of nervous systems neutral pathways and triggers the body to release of natural morphine and endorphins which are well known to reduce the pains of the body.

YugaLife Tourmaline Heating Pad is also quite an effective method of pain elevation. This heating pad consists of 190 pieces of Tourmaline Stone and Far infrared and Thermostat heating system. It has a leather cover and a padding of hollow fiber. It is quite safe to use as it automatically is turned off at the set time. The negative ions help you in pain alleviation. This is the most effective method during the rainy season as the air is full of positive ions causing arthritis pain and low blood pressure. The anions balance out the ions and soothe the pain.

So, if this season you are suffering from back pain or arthritis pain, take recourse to YugaLife Wellness. Here the patients are advised diet and life style for a healthy living. You just need to pay a small amount for the advice and treatment and surely it is worth the money spent. Buyers of the product are given proper training to use them safely for best and desired results. - 32188

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Important Facts about Memory Foam Mattresses

By Marc Carson

Perhaps ouch is the first word you say every morning you rise up on a traditional spring mattress, which can be either soft or hard on your body. If your old spring mattress is getting to you and giving you serious backaches, in that case consider changing it with some kind of foam mattress.

The memory foam mattress was primarily developed by NASA for discharging body pressure of astronauts while in space. Not long after, the healing abilities of such mattress were identified by therapeutic societies to discharge the body aches of persons who were confined in the hospital beds for long periods. Thus, memory foam mattress was utilized within hospitals for fairly a lengthy duration before layman got to know it.

This kind of mattress was very pricy in the beginning because of the restricted makers of the product in the market. However, several manufacturers are now producing this kind of mattress, making the product somewhat affordable.

Conventional mattresses did not succeed to balance out the body weight of a person on top of the mattress because it is designed with several springs, all using related amount of pressure against body. Since the body is soft in nature compare to the firm matters, it is not able to push back with equal force. This insufficient pressure causes poor blood circulation as well as back aches that you experience every morning.

However memory foam mattresses as well as memory foam topper work to eliminate your pain in your back is worthy to consider. These mattresses are an innovative sleeping technology that evenly distributes the mass of the body and eases pressure points that aids you to sleep even better all through the night. It has the capability to eliminate backaches upon waking in the morning; reducing joint pains of about 85% and offering you sound night's sleep.

One ideal point which makes this memory foam an ultimate key to reducing back pains is its thickness and density. It's in fact the mattresses' density that makes the healing result, which makes it extra useful yet relaxing and comfortable.

Foam mattresses have not been in the marketplace too long but are being made easier and easier to come across and the individuals that have tried the memory foam mattresses have all had very satisfactory results with reducing back pains. I hope you enjoyed reading my article, if you would like to read more about memory foam mattress please click on memory foam mattress now. - 32188

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Beating the Back Pain With The Right Mattress

By Marc Carson

If ouch is the first word you say every morning you rise up on a traditional spring mattress, which can be either too soft or too hard on your body. If your old spring mattress is getting to you and giving you agonising backaches, in that case consider varying it with some kind of foam mattress.

The memory foam mattress was primarily developed by NASA for discharging body pressure of astronauts while in space. Not long after, the healing abilities of such mattress were identified by therapeutic societies to discharge the body aches of persons who were confined in the hospital beds for long periods. Thus, memory foam mattress was utilized within hospitals for fairly a lengthy duration before layman got to know it.

This kind of mattress was very pricy in the beginning because of the restricted makers of the product in the market. However, several manufacturers are now producing this kind of mattress, making the product somewhat affordable.

Conventional mattresses did not succeed to balance out the body weight of a person on top of the mattress because it is designed with several springs, all using related amount of pressure against body. Since the body is soft in nature compare to the firm matters, it is not able to push back with equal force. This insufficient pressure causes poor blood circulation as well as back aches that you experience every morning.

However memory foam mattresses as well as memory foam topper work to eliminate your pain in your back is worthy to consider. These mattresses are an innovative sleeping technology that evenly distributes the mass of the body and eases pressure points that aids you to sleep even better throughout the night. It has the capability to eliminate backaches upon waking in the morning; reducing joint pains of about 85% and offering you sound night's sleep.

One ideal detail which makes this memory foam an ultimate key to reducing back pains is its thickness and density. It's in fact the mattresses' density that makes the healing result, which makes it extra useful yet relaxing and comfortable.

Foam mattresses have not been in the marketplace too long but are being made easier and easier to come across and the individuals that have tried the memory foam mattresses have all had very satisfactory results with reducing back pains. I hope you enjoyed reading my article, if you would like to read more about memory foam mattress please click on memory foam mattress now. - 32188

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Getting The Perfect Night's Sleep Is All In The Mattress

By Marc Carson

Maybe ouch is the first word you say every morning you rise up on a traditional spring mattress, which can be either soft or hard on your body. If your old spring mattress is getting to you and giving you serious backaches, in that case consider changing it with some kind of foam mattress.

The memory foam mattress was essentially developed by NASA for discharging body pressure of astronauts while in space. Not long after, the curative abilities of such mattress were identified by medicinal societies to free the body aches of individuals who were confined in the hospital beds for a long period of time. Thus, memory foam mattresses were utilized within hospitals for fairly a lengthy duration before layman got to know it.

This kind of mattress was very pricy in the beginning because of the restricted makers of the product in the market. However, several manufacturers are now producing this kind of mattress, making the product somewhat affordable.

Conventional mattresses did not succeed to balance out the body weight of an individual on top of the mattress because it is produced with several springs, all using related amount of pressure against body. Since the body is soft in nature compare to the firm matters, it is not able to push back with equal force. This insufficient pressure causes poor blood circulation as well as back aches that you experience every morning.

However memory foam mattresses as well as memory foam topper work to eliminate your back pain is worthy to consider. These mattresses are an innovative sleeping technology that evenly distributes the load of the body and eases pressure points that aids you to sleep even better in the course of the night. It has the capability to eliminate backaches upon waking in the morning, reducing joint pains of about 85% and offering you a decent night's sleep.

One ideal point which makes this memory foam an ultimate key to reducing back pains is its thickness and density. It's in fact the mattresses' density that makes the healing result, which makes it extra useful yet relaxing and comfortable.

Foam mattresses have not been in the marketplace too long but are being made easier and easier to come across and the individuals that have tried the memory foam mattresses have all had very satisfactory results with reducing back pains. - 32188

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Important Facts about Memory Foam Mattresses

By Marc Carson

If ouch is the first word you say every morning you rise up on a traditional spring mattress, which can be either too soft or too hard on your body. If your old spring mattress is getting to you and giving you agonising backaches, in that case consider varying it with some kind of foam mattress.

The memory foam mattress was primarily developed by NASA for discharging body pressure of astronauts while in space. Not long after, the healing abilities of such mattress were identified by therapeutic societies to discharge the body aches of persons who were confined in the hospital beds for long periods. Thus, memory foam mattress was utilized within hospitals for fairly a lengthy duration before layman got to know it.

This kind of mattress was very pricy in the beginning because of the restricted makers of the product in the market. However, several manufacturers are now producing this kind of mattress, making the product somewhat affordable.

Conventional mattresses did not succeed to balance out the body weight of an individual on top of the mattress because it is produced with several springs, all using related amount of pressure against body. Since the body is soft in nature compare to the firm matters, it is not able to push back with equal force. This insufficient pressure causes poor blood circulation as well as back aches that you experience every morning.

However memory foam mattresses as well as memory foam topper work to eliminate your pain in your back is worthy to consider. These mattresses are an innovative sleeping technology that evenly distributes the mass of the body and eases pressure points that aids you to sleep even better throughout the night. It has the capability to eliminate backaches upon waking in the morning; reducing joint pains of about 85% and offering you sound night's sleep.

One ideal detail which makes this memory foam an ultimate key to reducing back pains is its thickness and density. It's in fact the mattresses' density that makes the healing result, which makes it extra useful yet relaxing and comfortable.

Foam mattresses have not been in the marketplace too long but are being made easier and easier to come across and the individuals that have tried the memory foam mattresses have all had very satisfactory results with reducing back pains. - 32188

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